About Me

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Palompon, Philippines
A small-town girl from Palompon who loves to write just about anything her crazy mind tells her and the lessons in between.. ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, August 5, 2011

Life’s Lessons ♥ _ ♥

They say you can't make all the mistakes in your life to learn from it so you’d have to learn from the people around you.
There will be people who will teach you to be faithful because cheating on your other half only gives you a feeling of excitement but never security & happiness.
A few will advise you to always give your best & work hard because one day your efforts will be appreciated & you will get the position you have always desired.
Some would testify to you that keeping real friends are the best treasures in the world because no one can steal them without their permission.

A couple will make you understand that being crazy & foolish sometimes doesn’t mean losing your values and self-respect.
A lot will share to you that loving someone hurts but it’s all worth it.
Many will warn you to never spend too much on something that you don’t really need because you might have none when you are in need.

Countless folks will show you that crying is not for the weak but for those who are brave enough to express that they have lost something great.
Numerous lads will give you an idea about how they have the power to break a girl’s heart but she is tougher and learns to let go and move on in time.
Several numbers will demonstrate that dreams can come true if you take part in remaking reality.
Most of the time, people will let you know that belonging to an unbroken family is a something to be proud of
All of them will share to you that there is always a reason for living and that there is an Almighty One who will make His judgment.
So they say "Life is a Journey"..
whatever road we are walking on we have to appreciate that Life is beautiful..

credits: video from Youtube. Song: A Beautiful Day by Indie Arie