About Me

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Palompon, Philippines
A small-town girl from Palompon who loves to write just about anything her crazy mind tells her and the lessons in between.. ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, August 19, 2011


to consider one takes TIME.
FRIENDSHIP unlike LOVE doesn't happen overnight.
It takes TIME to TRUST someone. Because for most part people are not what they seem to be.
Looks are deceiving. One might be as sweet as an ANGEL but is actually a Beelzebub.
Not everyone we meet and get along with will become our BFF. Some will just slip away, some are just acquaintances and some are simply colleagues.
My life is not grand but I am blessed with the BEST FRIENDS in the entire world. We have our differences but we learned to get along. We had the best times together and the worst as well. Our friendship has been tested through tough waters. But still the LOVE we have for each other is much stronger than the winds that shake our faith. Distance is never too far and even if we don't talk for a long time when we catch up it's like nothing has changed. We still laugh at our silly jokes, talk over the same childhood stories, grateful about having each other and hugging & kissing like no one is watching.
We argue but we compromise. We have our mood swings but we understand. We don't talk too often but we listen. We are miles apart but we cross the world just to be together. We have our own circle of other friends but our hearts will always have a bigger space for one another.
It's a tie. It's a bond.
Best Friends Forever!
A promise made from the HEART.. :)


  1. i soo love it dai! we're lucky to have you as friend! :)) -mlalaine

  2. i lurve it.. made me smile and cry .. miss u dai.. :) -verna
