About Me

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Palompon, Philippines
A small-town girl from Palompon who loves to write just about anything her crazy mind tells her and the lessons in between.. ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, September 19, 2011

I am SINGLE.. and you'd have to be....

"I'm Single" is a term most women want to boycott. Because it's like saying "I'm so ugly, fat, boring & undesirable." It's always overwhelming to say "Yes, I have a boyfriend and we've been together for.." Because it means " I'm so beautiful that my guy is so gaga over me." 
From a woman's perspective, when you view your profile and it says in a relationship with.. or engaged with.. or married to.. It is an accomplishment of beauty. Beauty in knowing that out of the billions of women on this earth, this guy desired to be with you. But is it really all about beauty? There are a lot of pretty girls I know who are still single. There are also those not-so pretty girls who can have two or more guys at the same time. 
Being single for quite sometime has made me ponder over so many aspects. Does anybody see me as someone appealing or I'll just be one of those what they will call a "spinster"? People have criticized me for being picky and choosy with people I engage with. I have to admit I am blameworthy for this judgment. When I think about relationships, I think of LIFETIME. That goes with Love & Friendship. I don't wanna feel happy just for a moment. I wanna wake up everyday feeling great because I am certain that someone loves me for who I am. Yes! moments are fleeting. If you won't experience it now, you'll regret it later. Despite that, I still want those episodes to be something worthy. Something that I would never be ashamed of telling. A story that would make people smile. It may not happen now, tomorrow or the next day but I am hopeful it will happen one day in this lifetime. I don't wanna settle for less or feel that I need to conceal my feelings. And mostly, to feel that I need to be aware that I have a place where I need to stand. Because I deserve better. I may not be as desirable as other girls but I know I have my ideals & beliefs that I am proud of. I stand with what I believe in because the things you do good or bad will always bounce back to you threefold. 
So, YES! I am Single and you'd have to be special to change that..

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Childhood Memories..

photo credit: google images

When we were young we can't wait to grow up and do things our way. 
We can't wait to move out from our parent's house and be on our own.
We can't wait to be independent and make selfish decisions. 
We can't wait to be alone.

But once we're there.

It's like you want everything reversed.
You want things the way it used to be.
Sometimes you wish you'd never grew up.

You reminisce about the times when you were young and carefree.
The times when you don't worry about anything.
The times when all you think about is the word "PLAY".
The times when you eat dinner with your parents.
The times when you sleep in the couch and magically transfer to your bed.
The times when you are annoyed because the house is overcrowded.

When we grow a little older we learn to appreciate the little things that made us happy,
were things we did when we were innocent.
We learn to understand that family is more important than career and achievements. 
We learn to miss how wonderful it feels just to be at home and do nothing.

But as they say life is like that.. 

People move on..
Nothing is permanent..
Eventually we have to let go because we need to.. 

And we'll just have to be grateful for our childhood memories that made us who we are today.. 
loving, caring and passionate about life.

Thanks to people called "PARENTS"..