About Me

My photo
Palompon, Philippines
A small-town girl from Palompon who loves to write just about anything her crazy mind tells her and the lessons in between.. ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, July 31, 2011

hail to the great writers of the modern world..ü

This was something I made 3 years ago..
Oct 29, ‘08 6:52 PM

As I was surfing the net I realized that there are a lot of people like me.. there are a lot of people who are gifted enough to express their feelings into words.. they turn their every day events or even the simplest act into a short story told in the most idyllic way yet in touched with the real world..
I know i don’t have a wide variety of vocabulary to make my works exceptional.. nevertheless I am thankful for the gift of courage and wisdom that at least I am able to express my sentiments into phrases..

I say..

thumbs up for a student making a story about her teacher..

a hug for a lover scribbling a note of passion..

a kiss for a child preparing a token of appreciation to Mom and Dad.

cheer for a friend doodling a sign of companionship..

a pat for a grandchild composing an essay of thank you to the grandparents..

above all, good job to everyone humming praises to God everyday..

YES..! if you have noticed this is my little space of applauding the magnanimous playright of the modern times..

TO YOU.. YOU are the smile to a gloomy day..ü

THANK YOU..♥ ♥ ♥

From: JING

photo credits: google images

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A girl's DREAM * * *

She clasped her hands & kowtowed..
      closed her eyes and imagined with all her heart..

the Chinese white seacoast & the French blue Empyrean

the English red tulips


the Paris yellow daisies

the Swedish white garment
more importantly...
the Dutch blue-eyed bridegroom
She opened her eyes..
& believed that..
dreams do come true.. in time.. ♥

Note: photo credits: google images

Friday, July 22, 2011

True New Friends ♥

In our journey through life.
We have series of twists & turns. 
We reach places we didn't even think we could.
We learn things that changes our point of view.
And most importantly we meet people who adds to our list of special people called FRIENDS.
We share new experiences, travel to new places, try a different cuisine together and they teach you to speak a different language.

Life is not about what you have, what you can do or where you are. It's about the people you're with and the way you feel about them and the way they feel about you. 

So live, laugh, dance, sing, be crazy, be silly. And do it with people who matters most..

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Smile :)

The day has been so exhausting and you see that cute smile & you feel better again.
The attractive look. The cute face. The nice get up. The sweet smell. The enticing eyes.
That absolutely perfect smile.
And you tell yourself...
"This is enough to make my day!"

photocredit: Joseph Vincent E.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Scribble ~ ~

Today, I'm going live.. LOL

Just like a new tv program I'm launching this new site. This will contain thoughts that are made by myself. No re-posts, No re-blogs, No copycats, No duplication. All genuine ideas from my quixotic cranium.

Words & Thoughts are powerful for when they are expressed. They could start a Trojan War or touch the stoned hearts.

This is it for now.. :)